Metocean Training for Surveyors
“What is the best duration in collecting metocean data?”
There were so many questions that keep popping up!
“What is the best duration in collecting metocean data?”
There were so many questions that keep popping up!
Our compliance requirement in Indonesian oil and gas industries, Sertifikat Pengganti Dokumen Administrasi (SPDA) on the Centralized Integrated Vendor Database (CIVD) system, has been updated!
On 5 April 2021, East Nusa Tenggara was struck by sudden heavy pouring rain leading to flash floods and landslides. More than 160 people have been killed, at least 22.000 people have been displaced, and about 2000 homes have been damaged (BNPB, 2021). What is unique about this huge destructive phenomenon …
We are proud to announce that our free-to-access Metocean Glossary is ready for you to use! The Glossary contains easy-to-understand definitions of over 6500 terms on the areas of Meteorology and Oceanography. You will find a brief but detailed explanation of the words in Metocean world.
Purpose of the surveys was to provide topography, determine the bathymetry, oceanography or meteorological phenomena, nature of the seabed and sub-bottom geology to evaluate the engineering characteristics of shallow soils
The objective of the survey is to prepare Topographic and Hydrographic maps as the basic/primary data for Planning and Design for Preparatory Survey on Cilamaya new Port Development Area. The service consists of the following surveys and works: Topographic and Hydrographic Surveys at the candidate port development area, Tide Observation at the sites and establishment of …
The study for Medan LNG Floating Terminal comprises of assessments of wind, wave, tide and current. This study also contains characterization of climate parameters (temperature, humidity, precipitation), prediction of wave breaking, refraction and diffraction modelling, as well as calculation of instantaneous water level elevation due to storm surge.
Port development at four points on Muara Besar Island, Brunei Darussalam require careful planning. Location of the island where inside Brunei Bay requires further study. Combining three side of analysis is expected can be used to support decision making. These analyzes are as follow, Historical Data Analysis, 10 years of data are used to see …
Analytical computation and numerical modeling of Metocean parameters are done in order to design a pipeline route between Pemping and Batam and the adjacent areas. This study was conducted in order to assist decision makers to do the construction. Two main purposes in this study are: 1.To provide extreme magnitudes of: Wind speed Significant wave …
MetOcean Design Criteria Along Pemping-Batam Pipeline Route – PAGEO Read More »